Hello, Newgrounds! As you may know from reading Tom's post last month, I am the new PHP workhorse-in-residence at Newgrounds. I would like to thank the users for their well-wishes. Sorry I haven't been able to reply to anybody's messages, but I have been busy rolling out my first new feature: video embedding! You can now embed content from YouTube, Revver, Vimeo, or Gametrailers, with support for more sites coming in the future!
To embed a video, go to the page on youtube.com (or other supported site) and find the "embed text" - it should be in an obvious place on the page. Copy that text, then go to your Newgrounds blog. Click on the button that says "Embed Video" and paste the code in the field that pops up. Click OK, and a big chunk of ugly HTML will be pasted into your blog. Don't edit that code! If you do, it probably won't work, and you'll end up with all that nasty text in your blog. You can embed text wherever you want in the blog, and you can embed up to 20 videos.
To show off, I have embedded my own video below. In addition to being (for a few seconds, anyway) the only video embedded in a Newgrounds blog, it is also the only video shot by yours truly available on the web. I shot it on the 6 train in New York way back in 2002. I was participating in an event that has since become a famous annual prank. And yes, that book really says "Rape" on the cover.
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Check out Improv Everywhere if you haven't before.
That's all for now. Hope you enjoy the new feature, and I look forward to creating more improvements in the future.
Yay thanks lots.