In fixing a persistent scoring bug in the art portal - which appears to actually, finally be fixed - I introduced a new bug that caused the art submission process to sporadically fail. Oddly, the aborted submission would appear on the browse page as an empty box when you turned on all the ratings. Anyway, the bug has been fixed, and the Ghosts of Aborted Fetus Art have been sent back to limbo.
So, if you submitted art over the weekend and it died, I'm sorry, but as it was killed before it could be baptized, its soul cannot be saved. You can, however, submit the same art again, and it will work. It will completely replace the one that died, so that you'll never think of it again, like when your old relatives die, and after you do all that perfunctory funeral stuff, you can rest easy knowing you never have to struggle through a phone conversation with that lady who forgets who you are but somehow doesn't lose your phone number or the desire to talk to you again.
Grab a cross. Those Ghosts of Aborted Fetus art are persistent.